a new method…

Cherry Dreamer
2 min readJun 29, 2021

The Laura Clery Method! she doesn’t have a method specifically that she has named but she just… she has such good energy & I admire her so much, I am going to try to take the advice (about how to combat depression) she gave in one of her recent videos which I just watched & rewatched a little bit of a few minutes ago :)

Living and the now and writing this now!

Go on morning walks

Practice Greatfullness / Graditude

Fill your head with the cheesiest cringy positive motivational videos ❤ (love you Laura, I’ll try) Youtube videos — listening to something etc. ❤

Supplements / vitamins (hmmm… well I don’t have access to her doctor and that’s rather individual but maybe I’ll give Dr. Amen’s supplements a try… maybe there is a way to get advice from someone about what to get.. I don’t know)

She also eats a vegan diet, I don’t remember if she mentioned that specifically but anyway maybe I’ll try to eat more vegan/ plant based — I hardly ever eat meat but I do eat butter aplenty (so much I’ve considered a tattoo in fantasies lol) & eggs… hmmm

Essential Oils! hmm… I have a few… hmm

She also mentioned Eckhart Tolle’s* the power of now- I might be spelling that wrong- this isn’t professional this writing it’s more of a sort of public journal I guess- I’m going to try to do this & I hope I feel better soon, *as it turns out it was wrong- I couldn’t leave it,

With love, & hope,


PS- just watching her video there and naming the 5 greatfullness things made me feel a little better and now I am going to go on a walk

PPS- it strikes me that Laura is a humble person- dedicated to learning and bettering herself without ego, just a thought (Jat)

Well anyway going to publish now & go on a walk! wishing you walking! ❤



Cherry Dreamer

I’m an artist & a writer, trying to make creating the way I make a living. I want to make more of my dreams reality ❤